Jumat, 20 Juli 2007

Language Of Batavia (Betawi)


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Language of Betawi is a Ianguage is Ianguage child of Malay. They who use this Ianguage is named by people of Betawi. This Ianguage almost equal to age by the name of this Ianguage place area is developed, that is Jakarta. Ianguage of Betawi pertained Ianguage of kreol ( siregar, 2005).

Literature Ianguage of Betawi there are in comic “ JAMPANG JAGO BETAWI (JAMPANG CHAMPION of BETAWI)” year-end produced around 1960, and composed by Ganesh T.H. But most uppermost in communicating Ianguage of Betawi of town of Jakarta become Ianguage liked by all area in Indonesia is of services of Benyamin S and stage manager, films of Benyamin S for example Syumanjaya etc.. Films of Benyamin S, lifting Ianguage prestige of Betawi ("ora=no") higher selevel of Indonesian ( Malay of Riau), and make Ianguage of Betawi become "LINGUA FRANKA" in fatherland. When less Indonesian have " feeling ( without "dong", without "deh" etc.) failure link between ethnical in fatherland, Ianguage of Betawi easily link many ethnical in fatherlands, specially in capital of.

Ianguage is selfregard and pride. Masters from in ( Indonesia ) and abroad give comment concerning Ianguage : Muhidin M Dahlan in book entitling " Tempo Doeloe (=away back) : Anthology Art of Pra-Indonesia" telling '.... insisting on the existence of a kind of Ianguage democratization in this time. Because we cannot locked out of interminable our history, our traditions and art. If Javanese may wear .... " terhadep (=terhadap=to), semangkin(=semakin=progressively" what was clearly imported from Javanese and ... why people of Menado ... will wear 'torang/dorang' ... people of Ambon .. wear 'beta' ... Cierebon ..'isun' and so on... that Ianguage democratization is Iiberation of spelling and Ianguage so that Indonesia resurrecting mother tongue....

Lord Salisbury (1547), Benedict Anderson ( Expert Ianguage South East Asia ) telling: "... that national language grow as lingua-franca, namely my me Ianguage and international; hence from that is it live hundreds of years, live fit and well with thousands of local variatio.

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